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Case Studies

Case studies will be added from time to time to show various data recovery techniques, solutions & outcomes.

DIY attempts and Internet anecdotal help which can often be detrimental often will hinder or completely destroy data, beware! Seek our services first.

RAID Failure:

A UK based company stored all its data on a RAID array, thinking the data was secure. However several of the disks simultaneously failed with catastrophic loss of data to the client, that was until the Xytron Group engineers were recommended & within hours of receipt the team recovered the crucial data and the client collected the files from Xytron House. “Thank you for your recent assistance to recover our files, years of data we thought perilously lost has been saved – thanks again” – Martyn & Fiona, June 2016.

1.1 Million Files:

The Xytron Group engineers have just extracted over 1 million pictures from a single hard drive, what a excellent result for our client!

What can we recover?

Hard Drive
SSD Data
Tape Data
Mobile Phone
Apple Data